Pricing & Packages

First Session

Initial Exam & Treatment

30-Minute Session: $90

A la Carte

30-Minute Session: $85

60-Minute Session: $170

15-Minute Session (Chiropractic Adjustment Only): $45


6 Sessions (30 minutes each): $450

*Select the 30-minute appointment when scheduling online. Packages can be purchased at your appointment or by email/phone.

What does the Initial Exam & Treatment include?

The initial appointment begins with an in-depth consultation: (injury history review, movement assessment, etc.) and treatment. Treatments involve a range of adjustments, mobilizations, stretching, strengthening, neuromuscular facilitation, myofascial release, and rehab & coordination exercises in the office and/or the gym space.

There are no extra or hidden charges for any of the services that Dr. Ben offers. ARP Neurotherapy, dry needling, cupping, and taping can all be included as part of your session. Your time with him is based on your needs, goals, and preferences.

Does Rehab Lab accept insurance?

We accept credit cards, cash, and checks.

Rehab Lab does not take insurance because we do not want insurance companies telling us what we can and cannot do for our clients. Insurance is designed for sickness, and it’s billed with various diagnosis codes attached. Chiropractic is wellness care. With the Rehab Lab, your care will be centered around your specific health and lifestyle goals, not around arbitrary thresholds intended for the general public.

More questions?

What people are saying

“He LISTENS to his patients, there isn’t any coercive “alter-call” that happens after most chiropractic appointments, and unlike most chiros who seem to desperately NEED you to come back, he allows patients to be the ultimate experts on their own bodies. This is holistic care at its FINEST.”

— Anna U.

"This guy is amazing. He is really kind and gentle; he checks in a ton and he clearly has deep knowledge about the body. I felt instant relief from just one session and I'm so excited to go back!"
– Rami H.

Get back to doing what you love.